Ramsey Foundation is grateful our supporters are dedicated to helping the world achieve WELLness. By addressing the fundamental needs of water & shelter, while also providing nets to aid in preventing malaria, MTRF has been able to touch the lives of hundreds of families. Now - three years after our inception - we’re delighted to take you on a little “WELLness Tour” through remote Cambodian villages by sharing photos & videos taken during our recent visit. For starters, let's “visit” our very first well that was dedicated to Mark’s mom, Norma Ramsey. Speaking of moms, let's check out another “early” well that was dedicated Trina's (and her sister Lisa's) mom, Elizabeth Wolff.

It was so gratifying to see so many wells dedicated to donors’ friends & loved ones! It was fun seeing the excitement in the eyes of a young couple that received a “friendship well” after they finally connected the dots behind the photo on their well. We explained how Jim & AnneMarie Eastman donated their well after learning about MTRF through our mutual friends, Art & Janis Carty. Now, when they see these four good friends each day as they access their fresh water, they feel a closer connection to their donors! Check out their photo & another “friendship well” below.

So many of the “well families” live in very remote areas. In an earlier blogpost, you saw us wading barefoot through a muddy stream, so just to change things up, we opted to “walk through shrubs” to avoid the deep water nearby, only to be attacked by sticker bushes--who knew how vicious they'd be?! We’ll spare the details, since we DID manage to survive and – once again - were rewarded with this absolutely adorable video (totally worth it to see these precious smiles!!).
What WELLness tour would be complete without a glimpse at a future food source?! MTRF can’t take any credit for donating this pig, but we just HAD to capture a photo of these darling babies!! At least we can rest easily knowing there’s no lack of an easily accessible water source for these little ones!

We always love having a chance to interact with the children of the well families and we were especially pleased to meet the three siblings pictured below (all of whom spoke alittle English with us, albeit quite shyly!). A video of our introduction follows...

While there, we visited dozens & dozens of well families & took far too many photos/videos to share via these blogposts, so we’ll close with two “landmark” well family photos (MTRF#100 & MTRF#200). We’re looking forward to constructing our 300th well later this month!

It’s impossible for us to effectively express our gratitude to all of those who have helped make MTRF what it is today! In light of this, we’ll continue to share photos of our progress on our website & facebook page because – as they say - SMILES are worth 1,000 words!