Fulfilling Our World's
Ocean of Needs,
One Drop at a Time
The Mark and Trina Ramsey Foundation's Mission is to Creatively Inspire Those in Need.
Embracing our desire to "teach others to fish for themselves'
our programs are designed to support
To aid those in need, we plant the seeds of knowledge by
We establish & expand roots across the globe through a variety of self-sustaining PLANTING PROJECTS.
Your tax-deductible donation to this 501(c)3 public charity
literally transforms lives and our planet!
Our Philosophy
Our Philosophy
Our philanthropic philosophy is based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. We strongly believe that adults and children alike must have their fundamental needs met before they’re truly capable of developing & creatively leveraging their innate skills and talents to best serve their
families, communities, and the world at large.To this end, through on-site research & a thorough assessment process, we develop relationships with like-minded individuals residing in the specific areas that we passionately
desire to support. Together, we work toward our goal of "fulfilling our world's ocean of needs, one drop at a time."In-keeping with Maslow’s Model, we aid in addressing fundamental needs by extending roots throughout communities as we facilitate the PLANTING of trees and support the development of mushroom farming and similar projects. With the aim of helping others branch out to reach higher stages of the pyramid of needs, we vigorously promote formal EDUCATION by establishing schools, providing supplies, and offering university scholarships. This aligns with our ultimate desire: to teach others to fish for themselves as we CO-CREATE a realistic path toward their own sustainability (gardening, skills development, higher education, participation
in community development projects and the like).MOST IMPORTANTLY (after the actual work itself, of course!), our driving principle is to be the non-profit organization that we've always dreamed of - a charity where 100% of any
tax-deductible donation goes directly to the program the donor specifies. This
means that if $100 is donated to support the education of children and young adults in need, that's exactly where all of the money goes and WE (Mark & Trina Ramsey) cover the
administrative expenses through our own personal donations.
DREAMS really DO come TRUE!
Designed to Teach those in Need to Fish for Themselves
Tree of Knowledge
Planting Seeds of Knowledge by Contributing to
the Formal Education of Those in Need
Ensuring COLLEGE EDUCATIONS are available to earnest, qualified students in need
We feel that a lack of resources should never stand in the way of a formal education both within the USA and
abroad. Scholarship recipients are thoroughly vetted, passionate students who have limited means to obtain a
formal education, yet desire to branch out & reach for the stars. Your compassionate donations enable us to touchthe lives of more students, thereby fulfilling our goal of teaching those in need how to fish for themselves!
Interested students may CLICK HERE to learn more about our scholarship criteria & how to apply!
Facilitating the Learning Process by Providing Essentials to Children in Need
So many children have parents that struggle to feed and clothe them, which means school supplies are considered a luxury! Everything from pencils and notebooks to paper and books are in short supply in Cambodia, India, and many locations around the globe. Your donations to this program help us cover supplies for students attending the two schools MTRF had built in Cambodia. Please help us break the cycle of poverty by supporting our efforts to
educate these children in need!
CLICK HERE to make a difference in a child's life.
Tree of Life
Establishing Strong Roots within
Communities via Trees & Gardens
Planting Programs
Supporting Mushroom Gardening and
Providing Trees & Plants
Our planting programs support the development of MUSHROOM HOUSES that not only provide food for families of Cambodians in need, but also enable farmers to earn wages when selling their crops in markets and restaurants.
Further, in an effort to support strongly needed forestation efforts across our planet, our programs also provide trees and other plants in various areas across the globe.
CLICK HERE to help us branch out across the globe with trees, spores and other plants!
Areas we're Supporting Now & Those we'll Assist in the Future
So Many Ways to Help!
About a decade ago, we visited Cambodia for the first time and had a deep desire to return to make a difference through donations & doing volunteer work there. So many needs existed -- we didn't know where to start!
Fortunately, quite serendipitously, we began begin addressing their fundamental survival needs by facilitating the construction of water wells, in addition to providing mosquito nets, food, schools, supplies, uniforms and bikes. Currently, our Cambodian programs support both education and planting. Please click here to learn more.
Helping American Students in Need & Planting Trees
Our recently expanded focus on education includes providing scholarships to students in need within the USA, in addition to those pursuing formal education in other parts of the world. Click HERE to review application criteria.
We have recently begun supporting communities by donating trees and funding the facilitation of the planting process in order to ensure their longevity.
Exploring New Ways to Make a Difference in 2024!
Volunteering on a service mission in Kakelao, India was both inspirational and transformative on many levels. In addition to touching the lives of the students/villagers, our desire to expand how we could be of service in India escalated to new heights. To that end, we've continued to further our efforts to make a difference in other villages in India.
Taking it to the Next Level
Our trip to Yamoransa in Ghana with the Yale Alumni Service Corp, (YASC) endeared us to the villagers and their effusive, joyful & loving spirit. Our moments of teaching, assisting with the establishment of a library & making technology available to the villagers inspired us to continue exploring how to provide support there and in other parts of Africa.
In the Future....
We'd love to provide further assistance in other areas of the world, such as South America. Stay turned for future updates on our progress with these initiatives by signing up to receive our blog posts &/or following us on Facebook.
Donate Now
Prior to making your donation, please click HERE to view State Charity Registration Disclosure Statements, which vary by state (if applicable).
Your tax-deductible donation may be eligible for corporate matching -
please check with your Human Resources Department!
NOTE: after making your selection(s), complete your transaction by clicking on the 'shopping cart' located under oval navigation bars (lower left-hand corner).
About Us
Our Story
During our global travels, we've been exposed to extremely fundamental, yet unmet needs in developing countries. These experiences prompted us to raise awareness by taking actionable steps to make a difference
through both donations and direct, personal involvement, when & where appropriate.
Prior to establishing our foundation, we spent over two decades volunteering &/or contributing to a variety of charities, some of which include:
American Cancer Society (including "Dreams Come True"), MS Society, Women Helping Women, Maui Food Bank, Kidney Foundation, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Maui Community College, Maui Arts & Cultural Center, ACORUS Women's Shelter in Prague, International Women's Association in Prague (IWAP), Grace, American Heart Association, Fort Worth Museum of Science & History.
Further, we participated in the Yale Alumni Service Corps (YASC) on-site service trips in Cuba (2017), Ghana (2016) and India (2015). Our direct exposure to working with small villages in need through one-on-one interactions with school children, teachers & local villagers was life-altering!
It is the culmination of these experiences that serve
as the foundation of our foundation!
Mark Ramsey
Secretary / Treasurer
Mark's educational background includes a BA in Computer Science, an MBA, & a PhD in Applied Computer Science. During his 30+ year career, he traveled the world while overseeing the Business Analytics & Optimization consulting and services team for IBM.
Mark has been involved in developing & teaching courses at several universities, served in the role of Chief Data Officer at both Samsung Mobile and GSK and is currently a consultant to numerous organizations with the objective of transforming their use of data as a strategic asset.
Mark was a board member for the Fort Worth Museum of Science & History, and is currently on several advisory committees & boards, including the International Society of Chief Data Officers, University of Arkansas at Little Rock CDO program, and the MIT Chief Data Officer program.
Trina Ramsey
Trina's educational background includes a BS in Information Science and a MA in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. During her career she served as VP, International & VP, Custom, among other roles, at a global web-based training company. She also contributed to sales & marketing departments in computer services,
hardware & software companies.
After retiring from the corporate world, Trina served as a board member for the Maui Food Bank & in a variety of capacities while volunteering for numerous charities. While living abroad in Prague for three years, she held a leadership position in IWAP and wrote several articles and poems that were subsequently published in their magazine, The Bridge. Trina is continually exploring ways to express herself creatively & enjoys donating her works to
help raise money for charitable causes.
Every twist & turn along Trina's journey has contributed to the development of the diverse skills required for this passionately embraced endeavor!
Our Partners & Volunteers
...Where the Land's Strength & Foundation Marries the Fluidity of the Ocean...
Contributors that Aid us in Establishing a Strong Foundation
We are currently in discussions with like-minded corporations, firms & organizations that are interested in working together in support of our vision.
Please click here to initiate discussions on current needs.
Many corporations & firms offer a "Charitable Donation Matching Program." Please consult with your Human Resources Department to determine if matching benefits are available!
An Ever-changing Group Contributing in their Own Ways
The need for volunteers varies throughout the year and shifts based upon the villages/students we're assisting and the programs that are best able to address their needs.
Please click here to initiate discussions on current needs.
Frequently Asked Questions
After clicking on the program(s) that I wish to support with my donation, how do I complete my transaction?
Once you've made your selection from the donation options, located in the DONATE NOW section of our website, simply click on the shopping cart. On PCs and laptops, this is located at the very bottom ofthe navigation tabs on the left-hand side of our website. On mobile devices, it's located in the upper right-hand corner. After clicking on the shopping cart, you will see prompts to help you complete your transaction via credit card. Shortly thereafter, you'll receive a receipt for your tax-deductible donation to this 501(c)(3) foundation and we'll get to work on putting your donation to good use! Prefer to donate via check? Please send email to:admin@ramsey.foundation.
When you say that 100% of our donations go directly into the programs specified & you cover all other expenses through your own donations, what does this mean?
Here’s how it works: When you make a donation via paypal, we actuallyreceive an amount lower than that because paypal charges a processing fee. WE (Mark & Trina Ramsey) cover that processing fee through our own donations, thereby bringing the donation amount back up to the original amount that you've donated. This ensures that every penny you donate goes directly to the cause! We make further donations to cover all other administrative expenses that we incur to operate this foundation, which include, but aren’t limited to legal & accounting fees, administration, wire transfer & banking fees, postage, travel, website, marketing, service fees and other related expenses. Additionally, our personal donations cover larger, one-off programs (such as the distribution of first aid kits in Cambodia, emergency food supplies during the pandemic, etc) as well as the launching of new pilot programs, such as our bike distribution program. This approach enables us to use our OWN donations while we measure the success of these programs; once we have measurable/positive results, we’ll then feel comfortable accepting donations from others to help support these new initiatives.
How can a “company charitable matching program” increase our donation to MTRF?
Many corporations/firms offer an employee benefit that includes matching donations their employees make to 501(c)(3) charities (up to a certain dollar amount per year). Typically, the employee completes an online form, as directed by their HR department, and the specified charity receives a check from the corporation matching the amount that their employee donates. MTRF greatly appreciates these additional “matching donations” and has benefited tremendously from our supporters taking those few extra minutes to leverage their investment in our programs! Please take advantage of this generous corporate benefit & spread the word to your fellow co-workers!
What are the general donations used for?
At the current time, we use thegeneral donations to support our education programs, which include awarding scholarships to formally educate passionate students with extremely limited means
of funding advanced studies and providing school supplies to students attending the two schools we've had built in Cambodia. General donations may also be applied toward our tree planting and mushroom farming programs, as well as new needs that we identify through our on-going interviews and assessment/analysis process.I like the idea of donating year-round - do you have an automated monthly donation program?
We are currently developing a program whereby you can contribute a specified amount each month via your credit card through our website’s online donation center. Should you wish to make a monthly donation prior to our formal launch of this program, please send us an email.
Why did you choose the area of Hyderabad to begin your work in India?
We’ve known our local partner there for close to 20 years and our goals/objectives/philanthropic philosophies are in alignment. We’ve personally visited the schools they support. We’ve met the teachers, board members and trustees of these schools, as well as interacted directly with the students themselves. We’re confident that every dime we invest in these initiatives will be wisely spent toward accomplishing our mutual goals, which currently involve addressing health, wellness & education needs.
Why Cambodia?
After initially visiting the area nearly 2 decades ago, we saw first-handthat the needs there appear to be unending! The thought of families struggling to address the most FUNDAMENTAL needs of survival that so many people take for granted motivated us to invest our time & resources there initially. We’re pleased & privileged to be working closely with a partner/team possessing such a depth of knowledge & compassion, not to mention a lengthy track record of implementing numerous sustainability programs in the area.
Do you have a Facebook page?
Yes, you can visit us on Facebook here. Though we post less frequently than we have in the past, we're always appreciative of your LIKES/SHARES and COMMENTS, as they help us to get the word out about our programs!
I have further questions - where do I pose them?
Please pose them here…..we’d be happy to expand our FAQ responses!
Drop by Drop
A Blog sharing Life Lessons acquired while Donating
a Drop of WATER, a Drop of FOOD, a Drop of KNOWLEDGE
in our Quest to Make a Difference.....One Drop at a Time
Contact Us
.....please reach out.....
Mark & Trina Ramsey Foundation © 2016 .... 501(c)(3)