Today, we’re THREE, so please join our E-PARTY! To celebrate - for a limited time - each $100 donation will be MATCHED by Ramsey Foundation; this'll cover water well construction costs and enable our supporters to GIFT Cambodian families with access to fresh water. We can’t think of a better birthday present than that, can you?!

AND....there are so many ways to "get creative" in order to take advantage of this opportunity! One fantastic example of creative giving is pictured above....two families joined forces, leveraged company matching benefits & donated 10 wells "in lieu of a birthday gift"! Perhaps setting out a bucket at your next social gathering or in the office break-room could yield surprising results!! Afterall, a few dollars is just a "drop in a bucket" - but when others follow suit - $100 can be collected in no time.

It’s hard to believe that three years have passed since MTRF began our quest to “fulfill an ocean of needs, one drop at a time.” Since that time, close to 250 water wells and hundreds of mosquito nets, school uniforms/supplies & sandals have been donated to those in need. Additionally, Ramsey Foundation has donated building supplies (to help ~15 families construct sturdier homes) and provided several bikes to students, small business owners & others in need. None of this would be possible without of our generous supporters who help by donating &/or spreading the word about these programs when they share our Facebook posts, blog entries & website address (
Please join our birthday celebration by:
* LEVERAGING the Ramsey Foundation’s matching by dedicating a well to friends & loved ones
* GIFTING access to life-saving fresh water to a family in need with your $100 donation!
* SHARING this blog-post
It’s easy to do - just click HERE.
Together, we can continue to “fulfill an ocean of needs” … drop-by-drop, year-by-year!