It was not lost on us that we arrived in India on Inauguration Day 2017!
It is here in India that we kick off the first, formal service mission of MTRF. While in Hyderabad, we will be making visits to schools serving underprivileged children, meeting & strategizing with local volunteers, doctors, teachers and professionals to formulate a plan for how we can best begin making a difference. From India, we travel to Cambodia, where we’ll be visiting ~30 families to whom either we -or other MTRF contributors - donated wells that were dedicated to loved ones. We’ll learn more about these families & the challenges they face PLUS investigate sustainability projects, such as gardens. While there, we’ll also visit the village’s school & participate in a dental clinic. We’ll also have the opportunity to hand-deliver 50 more mosquito nets, most of which were funded by donations made via our online donation center during the holiday season (more on Cambodia in future posts).
Since this is our inaugural post, we’d like to take the opportunity to thank you for investing the time to learn more about our accomplishments, goals and plans to “fulfill an ocean of needs, one drop at a time” and hope you’ll make regular visits to our site + subscribe to our blog below..
Through this blog, we’ll provide updates, address your questions and, share pictures + exciting news as it becomes available. We’ve already seen that the needs are countless, but we realize that every step forward on this journey - no matter how small - enables us to “provide a drop of water, a drop of food, a drop of knowledge in our quest to make a difference….one drop at a time.”